Posts tagged ‘Sale’

Something fun to look forward to after paying your taxes this week…..

Why do I dread tax day? It comes every year and it’s not really a suprise, we owe money. It happens….sigh. Oh well, I’ve paid my taxes and now I’m looking forward to this weekend when I’ll be at The Golden Fleece, 317 Potrero St, Santa Cruz, CA., Saturday, April 21 at 1pm. Jocelyn, aka Fiberdev, will be there with patterns and samples. I’ll bring the yarn! Its the shop owner’s one year anniversary. Now that’s something to celebrate!


Fall Sale

There is nothing quite like getting away and having everything out of sight and mind to help me look at things in a new light. It’s so much easier to see something with a fresh eye after I have been away from it for a while. I’ve just returned from a 3 week traveling spree of two completely different trips back to back. Both trips fun, relaxing, hectic and exhausting all at the same time. So nice to get away and so nice to be back. New ideas and directions are popping in and out of my head.

I’m putting all the So-Soft Dk (wonderful 80% merino, 10% cashmere, 10% nylon 4ply Dk weight superwash) on sale, 25% off for the Fall. While supplies last…….great for heavy socks as well as scarves, mitts, hats, vests and sweaters.

Inlay KAL

Since Hunter is having an Inlay KAL on Ravelry in the Silk Road Socks group, I decided to offer 20% off on all colors of Sock Plus 8. Just enter the word: inlay in the coupon code box at check out to receive the discount.  Enjoy and happy Knitty knitting!

out with the old…..

I’m forever reorganizing and tweaking what I do. I started Spring Cleaning, that lead to going through closets, the garage, the attic, selling off unused equipment, rearranging the studio furniture and  rethinking what I do and how much time I really have to do…… or finish that project… and then do I even want to finish that?

 I find it refreshing and exhausting at the same time to “go through stuff”.  So once I finished looking at and sorting all the personal yarns and projects I decided to do the same with the “business” stuff. I’m tidying up my website, consolidating some categories and putting some yarns that I’m no longer going to carry on clearance.

Cranking out socks on my csm is going on the back burner for a while and I’ve got both looms warped and ready for weaving. I have plans for some new knitting projects and yarn colorways. A little shifting of priorities and focus is a nice way to move in to Spring.

Winter garden ready for harvest:

Winter Garden ready for harvest.


Here is what is left – of the Sock Plus 8 skeins on sale. Some colors are already sold out. If you’d like a small sample of this yarn, send me an email and I’ll send one out to you.

Summer Sale

I’m cleaning house and shop and its time for a SUMMER SALE – YEAH!

Closeout yarns, one and two of a kinds and yarns that I don’t carry on my website are now listed on sale on etsy here while supplies last.

Cyber Monday Sale

In honor of Cyber Monday I’ve moved a number of Blue Faced Leicester yarns over to etsy and marked them down to $14/skein. This is a HUGE $10 off the retail price!!!

These are some of my favorite yarns and they won’t be on etsy long. By the end of the week all my yarns will be headed to a local sale at Fabrications.

Fabrications is a cooperative sale of unique handcrafted items Dec 4 & 5, Friday and Sat. 10-6pm, Creekside Inn, 3400 El Camino Real, Palo Alto.